Mojo Monday #440


I dag kommer jeg med et nytt bursdagskort....denne gangen med en ny vri ;)
Today I´ve a new birthday card to show you.....a new kind of card ;)

Chipboards are from Scrapiniec

Flowers are from Wild Orchid Craft

Når man åpner kortet.
When you open the card.

Innsiden av kortet.
The inside of the card.

Begge tekst stemplene er fra North Stamps.
The both text stamples are from North Stamps.

Her, kan du finne tutorialen/videoen av kortet.
Here, can you find the tutorial/video of the card.

I´m entering with my card in this challenge:

Mojo Monday- skisse/sketch


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Thanks for all your comments.

Hugs, Veronique

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