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"Venner for alltid/friends forever"

Today I´ve a canvas to show you and it´s the first time I´ve made it.
I´m very satisfied and impressed with myself.
Here is my canvas:
The chipboard is from Wycinanka and paint with Acrylic Paint (Prima)- Steampunk Copper
"Takk fordi du er som du er!" is a chipboard from Scrapiniec.
The engel is from The Trinket Parlour.
The big flower is from Pinkpaislee and sprayed with Color Bloom (Prima)- Plumeria.
The other flowers are from Wild Orchift Craft and Papirdesign.
I painted the flowers with heavy gesso.
The butterflies are from Kort & Godt.
The half pearls are from Wild Orchid Craft.
I don´t remember where I bought bilde.
The house is a resin and is from Prima.
The button under the house is from The Trinket Parlour.
I used stencil from Memory Box- Butterfly Flutter with Modeling Paste.

"Frøken kul" and "Venner for alltid" are stickers from Papirdesign.

I´m entering with my canvas in these challenges:
Crafty Creations Challenges - Anything goes
Hobbygarasjen- Alt er lov


  1. Lekkert :) Herlige farger :)

  2. Svar
    1. Tusen takk snupp :) Koselig å høre at du likte den :P

  3. Så utrolig flott bilde!
    Jeg likte godt alle lekre detaljer og de fine tekstene!
    Takk for at du deltar hos Hobbygarasjen.
    DT Julia


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Thanks for all your comments.

Hugs, Veronique

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Just a lil´note

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God sommer

Hello, I´ve a summer card to show today. Design papers are from Daily Junque - "House of tree" and Little Yellow Bicycle - "Tiny Purple Stripes". The chipboard is from Wycinanka. The flowers are from Prima and Wild Orchid Craft. The butterfly is from Maya Road. "God sommer" sticker is from Papirdesign. I used Mask Stencil from Dixi Craft on the background behind the flowers. I´m entering with my card in these challenges: Scrappegarasjen  - 3 på rad (har valgt dies-stencil-blomster) Live and Love Crafts  - sketch Rubber Dance  - colors (purple-turquoise-magenta) and flowers (optional) Scrappiness  -  alt er lov med lag på lag

Bursdagskort 40 år

  Hallo Jeg har pyntet en gavepose. Mønsterark: Papirdesign- Verdifull (Gratulerer, rosa) Motiv: Somlemarkeriet Dies (tall): Marianne Design Button: Papirdesign Punch: Panduro Doilie: doodlebug design Sticker: Papirdesign Hyssing: Kort og Godt Stempel: Papirdesign Jeg deltar i denne utfordringen: Scrappelyst - Feiring